Living & Care
Find the Right Form of Living for You
Since the 1960s, the Fürst Donnersmarck Foundation has been designing various forms of living for people with disabilities. Over the decades, the offerings have constantly developed and been reinvented. Over all of the years, however, we have always pursued the goal of offering people with disabilities the form of living that optimally supports their participation and ensures the best possible care. The offerings of the Fürst Donnersmarck Foundation are especially aimed at the needs of people with a neurological disorder.
Outpatient Living Offerings in Outpatient Assisted Living
Our Outpatient Assisted Living offers people with disabilities many options for self-determined living all over Berlin: Irrespective of whether you live in your own apartment and need educational support, want to move into shared accommodation with other people with disabilities or depend on 24-hour care for everyday living.
The Special Forms of Living for the Fürst Donnersmarck Foundation in Frohnau
We have created additional living solutions for people in need of increased care in Berlin-Frohnau. On the one hand, there is the Employment and Support Department Daily Structure [Beschäftigungs- und Förderbereich Tagesstruktur (BFBTS)] and, on the other, the Haus Am Querschlag and permanent living in the Fürst Donnersmarck Haus are two special forms of living.