Learning to live again – people with acquired brain damage face this challenge. The P.A.N. Center for Post-Acute Neuro-Rehabilitation creates the ideal conditions for mastering this challenge. It offers people with acquired brain damage high-quality long-term rehabilitation with a unique combination of therapies and educationally run residential complexes. More than 70% of our rehabilitation patients can thus avoid in-patient accommodation.
The Concept of the P.A.N. Center
The P.A.N. Center is an integration assistance facility with a total of 66 places in Berlin-Frohnau. It is aimed at patients of working age with serious neurological damage. The basic condition is that there are still impairments preventing independent living after the end of in-patient neurological rehabilitation in a rehab clinic (phase B - C). The successful P.A.N. concept rests on four pillars.
Interdisciplinary Rehabilitation and Personalised Therapy
During the stay of up to 18 months, we combine care by specialist doctors in neurology and rehabilitation medicine, an interdisciplinary therapy offering (speech therapy, physiotherapy, occupational therapy and neuro-psychology) with extensive neuro-educational everyday support. The therapy offering is always individually tailored to the needs of the rehabilitation patients. An open therapy area with ultramodern equipment enables state-of-the-art therapy. The educational support ensures that therapy successes are transferred to everyday life and are continuously repeated there. In addition, it supports the rehabilitation patients in developing compensation and adaptation strategies for everyday life.
Medical care for the rehabilitation patients is ensured by three permanently employed neurologists and supplementary consultant physicians.
The P.A.N. Center is based on modularised financing. The medical and therapeutic offerings are financed via Social Code Book V. Educational support and living are based on integration assistance.
Special Living Environment
Our stimulating rehabilitation architecture contains special residential complexes for people with cognitive orientation disorders, aphasia, for certain age groups and training apartments shortly before discharge. This enables residents to exchange experiences about similar challenges and ensures stability. The P.A.N. Center only has single rooms with ensuite wet rooms, thus allowing individual living.
The rehabilitation architecture with many designated meeting places and spots where people cross paths continuously stimulate rehabilitation patients, thus enhancing rehabilitation success.
Participatory Rehabilitation Approach
All of the rehabilitation measures in the P.A.N. Center are carried out on the basis of a precise diagnosis. We set the rehabilitation goals in regular network conferences involving the rehabilitation patients and their relatives, and jointly develop an individual rehabilitation plan. This increases motivation and thus the lasting success of the measures. The first conversations with the patients take place even before admission to the P.A.N. Center.
A key element of rehabilitation is teaching compensation and adaptation techniques in realistic situations. Because even if as many functions as possible are restored, our clients often have to learn to live permanently with impairments and accept their changed living situation.
An independent Research Department accompanies and evaluates rehabilitation in the center. Herein, the effectiveness of the therapy programmes, but also the downstream forms or living and care on offer at the Fürst Donnersmarck Foundation are carefully assessed.
Regular further training for therapists and the educational staff ensure consistently qualified care and therapy.
Participation as a Goal
The goal of all activities in the P.A.N. Center is to prepare rehabilitation patients for a life that is as independent and self-determined as possible. That's why encouraging participation and self-determination run through the whole rehabilitation process. Following a stay of up to 18 months, more than 70% of rehabilitation patients succeed in moving into their own home

PD Dr. med. Christian Dohle, M.Phil.
Rauentaler Str. 32
13465 Berlin
Telephone: 030 406 06-231
Fax: 030 406 06-340
Admission Conditions
The P.A.N. Centers offer is aimed at people of working age (18 to approx. 60) with acquired damage to the central nervous system, such as:
- Stroke
- Craniocerebral trauma
- Hypoxic brain damage
- Inflammation of the brain
The basic condition is that there are still impairments preventing independent living after the end of in-patient neurological rehabilitation in a rehab clinic (phase B - C).
Further Conditions
- Rehabilitation potential that can be developed
- Motivation to join in
- Ability to work in groups
Exclusion Criteria:
- Children under 18 years of age
- Chronic progressive diseases
- Acute or primarily psychiatric diseases
- Current substance abuse
For people who rely on a tracheal cannula and/or invasive ventilation due to a neurological impairment, the Fürst Donnersmarck Foundation operates A specialist department for Rehabilitative Outpatient Intensive Care in the P.A.N. Center grounds.