Learning to Live Again
Welcome to the P.A.N. Center for Post-Acute Neuro-Rehabilitation in Berlin-Frohnau. The P.A.N. Center is aimed at people with acquired brain damage, for example following a stroke, a craniocerebral trauma or other neurological damage. Here, you learn to live again with a neurological impairment.
The P.A.N. Center is aimed at people of working age with acquired damage to the central nervous system, for example due to a stroke, a craniocerebral trauma or inflammation of the brain. The basic condition for admission is for there to still be potential for further improvements in the condition after conclusion of in-patient neurological rehabilitation. Other conditions include continuing potential for rehabilitation, motivation to take part and an ability to work in groups.
Rehab after Rehab
In the P.A.N. Center we offer a highly specialised rehab after rehab. We start where others stop: If you still have impairments after neurological acute rehabilitation that prevent you living independently, we prepare you intensively for a life that is as independent as possible. In the process, we mainly encourage:
- Your independence in everyday life
- Your social skills
- The development of realistic life planning
- Where possible, a return to work
Doctors, therapists and neuro-educational experts work hand-in-hand in the P.A.N. Center to achieve this.
Our Unique P.A.N. Concept
In the P.A.N. Center, we offer you an intensive long-term neurological rehabilitation. In Frohnau, we combine individual living in a community with neuro-educational support, a special rehabilitation architecture, an interdisciplinary therapy offering and high-quality care by specialist doctors.
Basically, the P.A.N. concept is based on four pillars:
- Our interdisciplinary therapy concept coordinated by specialist doctors, which is specifically tailored to your goals and needs.
- Our consistent orientation to participation. We draw up your goals together with you and review the success. Our neuro-educators accompany you in everyday life, consolidate therapy successes and prepare you to live independently where possible.
- In the P.A.N. Center you will live individually in a single room with an en-suite bathroom in a community with like-minded people. Our location very close to the Frohnau Forest and our special rehabilitation architecture have a motivating and stimulating effect on the rehab process.
- The activities and offerings in the P.A.N. Center are supported scientifically and their effectiveness is evaluated. We also continuously further train our staff so that we are always up-to-date with neurological rehabilitation.
Due to our unique concept, more than 70 % of our rehabilitation patients succeed in moving into their own home after their stay in the P.A.N. Center.
The Therapy Offering
In the P.A.N. Center you will receive an individual rehabilitation programme that is geared towards your everyday experiences and wishes. Therapeutic progress is monitored regularly and the programme adjusted where necessary. All therapy goals are set together with you. The programme aims at encouraging your individual development so that you can live an independent life after the rehabilitation as far as possible.
In the P.A.N. Center we can offer the following therapies:
- Physiotherapy
- Occupational Therapy
- Speech Therapy
- Neuro-Psychology
For this, the P.A.N. Center has ultra-modern equipment and many technical aids are available. Thanks to the neuro-educational support, we ensure that the therapy successes are continued and perpetuated in everyday life. The breakdown of the different forms of therapy are aimed at your specific needs. The therapy programme as a whole is coordinated by the medical director of the P.A.N. Center, thus ensuring the quality of care at all times.
Consistent Orientation to the Social Space
All of the measures in the P.A.N. Center are aimed at independent living as far as possible. That’s why our neuro-educationalists in particular systematically orient themselves to the demands of a subsequent life in the social space.
Our staff have been specifically trained in supporting people with neurological impairments and have great experience in interacting with those affected. They support you in developing a new daily structure or transferring the content of the therapy into your everyday life and to consolidate it further in this way. They help you to compensate for remaining impairments with good aids or other measures and to live independently as far as possible. Thanks to a key worker care system, you always have a fixed contact during your time in the P.A.N. Center.
In our therapeutic workshops – a wood workshop and a textiles workshop – our occupational therapists offer training to prepare for a reintegration at work. In the workshops you can try out and test whether you can work intently for several hours again. This is an important step towards returning to work. Together with you, we develop goals for a realistic working situation in the future. In the process, we always consider your abilities and personal wishes.
Not least, the P.A.N. Center offers an extensive educational leisure programme that provides stimulus for new activities or is just fun. For example, the following are offered:
- Creative techniques, such as painting, pottery or handicrafts
- Games groups
- Joint parties and celebrations
- Sporting offerings
- Trips to cultural events or the surrounding area
With our offers we support you in organising your own leisure time even following on from your rehabilitation.
Individual Living in a Community: The P.A.N. Center
The P.A.N. Center for Post-Acute Neuro-Rehabilitation is located in a peaceful situation right on the edge of the forest in Berlin-Frohnau. Here, you live individually in a single room with its own bathroom, but in a community with a maximum of 12 other people. The P.A.N. Center has five residential communities with different conceptual orientations. All of the residential communities are looked after by our neuro-educationalists.
Our open rehabilitation architecture provides generous spaces for an exchange and for joint activities, a therapy center with ultramodern equipment and wonderful green surroundings. The architecture is designed to optimally support the rehabilitation process.
Continuous neurological care by a specialist doctor is ensured by the P.A.N. Center. In addition, we have access to various consultant physicians, for example for general practice or treating other underlying conditions.
Before you move out of the P.A.N. Center, the in-house social service will support you in looking for the most suitable form of living for you. We also take care of organising the measures necessary for your move, for example involving an outpatient care service. Before you move out, you can train and try out independent living in our training apartments.
For the Fürst Donnersmarck Foundation, a number of outpatient and in-patient forms of living are suitable following on from the time in the P.A.N. Center. For example, these are:

Contact and Information
Lisa Bleker
Admission Inquiries/Case Manager
Telephone: 030 406 06-185
fax: 030 401 69-14